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Nasze usługi

Historia naszej fundacji
Fundacja POK angażuje się w pomoc ofiarom kryzysów, oferując wsparcie humanitarne, zdrowotne oraz charytatywne w Polsce i za granicą.
Pomoc humanitarna
Skutecznie działamy, aby dostarczać niezbędną pomoc tym, którzy jej najbardziej potrzebują w trudnych czasach.
Edukacja i wsparcie
Organizujemy programy edukacyjne, które pomagają wolontariuszom skutecznie reagować na potrzeby osób w kryzysie .
Współpraca z organizacjami
Współpracujemy z lokalnymi i międzynarodowymi organizacjami, by skutecznie odpowiadać na potrzeby społeczności w kryzysie.
Dlaczego my?

Opinie naszych beneficjentów
I thank the #Care4Ukraine project for helping our cities along the eastern border of Ukraine and for assisting temporarily displaced people from frontline areas. You provide not only essential medicine and support for newborns but also the strength to carry on.
When the bombs hit my house, I lost everything I loved—my kittens, my home, and all my belongings. My neighbors died as well.
Then the enemy army entered my village, and I lost my land to farm, while everything around me is covered with mines. My roof was destroyed by shelling, and there is no one around to ask for help.
Thanks to the #Care4Ukraine project, I received food, medicine, candles, hygiene supplies, as well as hope and kind words from the volunteers who were the first friendly people I met in a very long time. God bless the volunteers.
Then the enemy army entered my village, and I lost my land to farm, while everything around me is covered with mines. My roof was destroyed by shelling, and there is no one around to ask for help.
Thanks to the #Care4Ukraine project, I received food, medicine, candles, hygiene supplies, as well as hope and kind words from the volunteers who were the first friendly people I met in a very long time. God bless the volunteers.